Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015

Short Fuctional Text

Short Fuctional Text
To :  Fita

I want you to to attend our meeting. It will be held on :
• Saturday , 5th March 2012
• At 11 am
• In The Scout room
Agenda : Planning about camping activity for all scoutboys and scoutgirls

The purpose is to attend meetings

2.      Advertisement
Yummy Padang Restaurant

    Come visit our Padang Restaurant.

    You will get a taste of a truly different than other desert restaurant. Do not believe? Let’s prove it by coming in our restaurant today. You will get 50% discounts directly.

    Find us on 77 Kertajaya Street, Padang
The purpose is to promoting new restaurant

    is now called

    ...and I bet you can guess why!

    announcement, contoh announcement, announcement text
    We produce the best spoken English Indonesian software in the region, and now we've built our own English - Javanese Dictionary for your PC and even watch. Is it amazing?

    That means you can use our free English - Javanese Dictionary for your Pocket Compter, Notebook, Ipad, and your watch. Just Free to use for 30 days our dictionary. For further information, just visit our simple blogsite at

The purpose is to notify the change of company name

4.      Short Messages

Dear Fita,
 I need your help. Please deliver some tart cakes for birthday party. I’m waiting the cake before 10 a.m. tomorrow morning.


                 The purpose is to provide some cakes for birthday
5.      Notice
The purpose is to hazardous area no swimming

6.      Greeting Cards
The purpose is to say happy birthday

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