Senin, 19 November 2012

My Diary

Wednesday, 10 october 2012
Today I am happy, because I get a gift from my father, the angry birds watches. Thank you father.

Thursday, 11 October 2012
I start the day with good cheer, and even today I have to go to school, before I went to school, do not forget, I said goodbye to my parents.

Friday, 12 October 2012
Friday is the day very enjoyable for me, every day Friday, I work out together at school. And of course I am very happy because today is the sport of basketball.

Saturday, 13 October 2012
As usual Saturday was a great day for me, because today I'm going to do an activity that may be very tiring. At school I would follow the math, following the development of self-batik, and a recent computer tutoring and English. How glad I am that teacher who taught me to say that I've batik proficient.

Sunday, 14 October 2012
In this sunny morning, I start the day with a workout. Together with my friends I play basketball at school, because the day of the week is scheduled extracurricular basketball.

Monday, 15 October 2012
Today I did a lot of things, starting with helping mom wash the dishes, sweep the house, sweep the yard, accompanied sister studying etc.. Today was a tiring day.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Tuesday , As usual, I had basketball practice at the school. And yet again I was scolded by Mr. edi for basketball ball game less than the maximum. I can only listen to the criticism of the pack edi and fix my mistakes.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Wednesday was the opposite of Tuesday. That Tuesday I usually unlucky, but not for today. And something fun that was when my mother bought me clothes. I'm very excited because her dress is very nice. Thank you mom.

Thursday, 18 October 2012
Thursday has always made me giddy, because the lessons at school on Thursday, namely, Biology, Indonesian, English, Budi Pekerti, and Mathematics. It was a very frustrating day.

Friday, 19October 2012
Again on Friday, I was very happy, because today I will berloahraga. And how nice, I would do sports is basketball. Thank you sir edi. Understandably I love the sport of basketball.

Saturday, 20 October 2012
As always, Saturday will be a tiring day for me. Many of the activities I have to do, starting from following the math, self-development batik, tutoring English and computer tutoring. But I run it with gusto.

Sunday, 21 October 2012
Boring day, for some reason this day is not much fun for me, I feel it in stride, no one isitmewa. It was a very boring har.

Monday, 22 October 2012
Astaghfirullah Haladzim, today I fell because I was encouraged by the grade 8 when a ceremony. I do not know anyone who has done anything like this. I take all this with sincerity. Perhaps all this has been planned by God.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012
I'm very sad, because today I could not do sports basketball, the school will be used for the preparation of SMP 01 Yosowilangun birthday tomorrow. No problem, there are chances that on another day for basketball practice.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Happy Birthday, My School, Today is the birthday of my school SMPN 01 Yososwilangun that to 44. All students SMPN 01 Yosowilangun Glad, including me. And hopefully SMPN 01 Yosowilangun will be given the success and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Fungsi ( Matematika )


Relasi atau hubungan antara himpunan A dan B adalah pemasangan anggota-anggota himpunan A dengan anggota-anggota himpunan B dengan aturan tertentu.
Relasi antara dua himpunan dapat dinyatakan dengan 3 cara, yaitu :
·         Dengan diagram panah
·         Dengan himpunan pasangan berurutan, dan
·         Dengan diagram kartesius.
Contoh :
Diketahui himpunan A = {3,4,5} dan B ={2,4}. Bila relasi dari A ke B adalah lebih dari , nyatakan relasi tersebut dengan :
1.    Diagram panah
2.    Himpunan pasangan berurutan
3.    Diagram kartesius
Penyelesaian :
1.    Diagram panah
2.    Himpunan pasangan berurutan
3.    Diagram kartesius
Pemetaan atau Fungsi adalah suatu relasi tertentu antara himpunan A dan B yang memenuhi syarat bahwa setiap (semua) anggota himpunan A dipasangkan denga tepat satu anggota himpunan B. Tidak semua relasi merupakan sebuah fungsi atau pemetaan, hanya relasi tertentu yang memenuhi persyaratan tersebut diatas.
Ciri-ciri relasi yang merupakan pemetaan/fungsi :
1.    Pada diagram panah : semua anggota A mempunyai pasangan, dan tidak ada cabang relasi dari himpunan A.
Contoh pemetaan/fungsi :
Contoh bukan pemetaan/fungsi :
2.    Pada Himpunan pasangan berurutan : terdapat dua unsur himpunan A yg ditulis lebih dari satu kali.
Contoh pemetaan/fungsi :
Contoh bukan pemetaan/fungsi :
3.    Pada diagram kartesius : tidak ada dua titik segaris vertical.
Contoh pemetaan/fungsi :
Contoh bukan pemetaan/fungsi :
Notasi Pemetaan/Fungsi
Sebuah relasi dari himpunan A = {1,2,3} ke himpunan B = {2,3,4,5,6} dengan aturan “setengah dari” digambarkan dalam diagram panah :
Dari diagram panah di atas terdapat beberapa istilah yaitu :
·         {1,2,3,x } disebut Domain/Daerah asal
·         {2,3,4,5,6,2x } disebut Kodomain / Daerah kawan
·         {2,4,6,2x } disebut Range/daerah hasil

Setiap x anggota himpunan A dipasangkan/dipetakan dengan 2x anggota B, jika nama pemetaan/fungsi dari A ke B tersebut adalah f, maka notasi pemetaan/fungsi tersebut adalah “f : x à 2x “ dibaca “ f memetakan x ke 2x”. 2x disebut bayangan/peta dari x oleh fungsi f. Bayangan x oleh f dinyatakan dengan f(x), karena bayangan x oleh f adalah 2x maka f(x) = 2x. f(x) = 2x disebut rumus fungsi f.

Jika n(A) adalah banyaknya anggota himpunan A dan n(B) adalah banyaknya anggota himpunan B maka banyaknya pemetaan yang mungkin dari A ke B adalah n(B)n(A)

Desciptive Text

I have a younger brother. He named Adhim Maulana Abdillah. He is 7 years old. He is very naughty, but he is also smart. He attended in SDN Yosowilangin Kidul 04, and now he is a class 2. He really likes to eat chocolate, ice cream and play games.